
New Orleans & Company.

Protecting and nurturing the unique culture of New Orleans to sustain tourism.

Trumpet worked with the NOCVB in a rebrand to better define its vision, values and roles it plays in the community. This wasn’t simply changing the name and logo, but a true rebranding affecting employee behavior and consumer expectations. It entailed working with senior management to translate the CEO’s vision into a new mission, a new set of values to guide the organization forward, and a new set of roles the organization would play in the community. In addition to focusing on the tourism industry and the tourists who come here, the new brand that is New Orleans & Company emphasizes New Orleans residents’ quality of life as an important part of the industry’s responsibility. New Orleans & Company promises to support the industry’s workforce, culture bearers, and the “culture creators” that make the New Orleans experience unique. For the full story, click here.

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